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How to integrate Preflight Checks into your Kubernetes application

Congratulations. You've just completed the introduction to Preflight Checks tutorial.

Next, you write your own kind: Preflight manifest to ensure the enviornment and configuration provided by your customer meets expectations. Head over to the Analyzers documentation to browse all of the built-in analyzers. Alternatively, you can visit the Explore page to view additional examples of Preflight Checks.

Including Preflight Checks

There are several ways to include Preflight Checks in your application.


If you are packing a KOTS application, you can simply include a kind: Preflight document in your application and the KOTS Admin Console will show a browser-based representation of the Preflight results.

Command line

Another approach to including Preflight Checks is to host the Preflight YAML on a server (even a GitHub Gist) and include instructions to manually run them before installing. Adding this to your installation documentation is just asking the user to run kubectl preflight https://your-server/preflight.yaml.

This method allows potential customers to run Preflight Checks before attempting the installation, which will prevent common errors from misconfigured environments.

For detailed instructions on using the command line, see CLI Usage.