
Regular Expression

Using a regular expression to analyze arbitrary data

The regex analyzer is used to run arbitrary regular expressions against data collected in a run, copy or exec collector.


Either regex or regexGroups must be set but not both.

This analyzer uses the Go library regexp from the Go standard library and uses Go's RE2 regular expression syntax

regex: (Optional) A regex pattern to test. If the pattern matches the file, the outcome that has set when to "true" will be executed. If no when expression has been specified, the pass outcome defaults to "true".

regexGroups: (Optional) A regex pattern to match. Matches from named capturing groups are available to when expressions in outcomes.

fileName (Required) Path to the file in support bundle to analyze. This can be an exact name, a prefix, or a file path pattern as defined by Go's filepath.Match function.

ignoreIfNoFiles (Optional) If no file matches, this analyzer will produce a warn outcome by default. This flag can be set to true in order to suppress the warning.

Example Analyzer Definition for regex

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: my-app
    - logs:
          - app=my-app
        name: my-app
    - textAnalyze:
        checkName: Database Authentication
        fileName: my-app/my-app-0/my-app.log
        regex: 'FATAL: password authentication failed for user'
          - pass:
              when: "false"
              message: "Database credentials okay"
          - fail:
              when: "true"
              message: "Problem with database credentials"

Example Analyzer Definition for regexGroups

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: ping
    - run:
        collectorName: "run-ping"
        image: busybox:1
        name: ping.txt
        namespace: default
        command: ["ping"]
        args: ["-w", "10", "-c", "10", "-i", "0.3", "www.google.com"]
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    - textAnalyze:
        checkName: "run-ping"
        fileName: ping.txt/run-ping.log
        regexGroups: '(?P<Transmitted>\d+) packets? transmitted, (?P<Received>\d+) packets? received, (?P<Loss>\d+)(\.\d+)?% packet loss'
          - pass:
              when: "Loss < 5"
              message: Solid connection to google.com
          - fail:
              message: High packet loss
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