
Filesystem Performance

Benchmarks sequential write latency on a single file.

Filesystem Performance Collector

The filesystemPerformance collector benchmarks sequential write latency on a single file. The optional background IOPS feature attempts to mimic real-world conditions by running read and write workloads prior to and during benchmark execution.


In addition to the shared collector properties, the filesystemPerformance collector accepts the following parameters:

timeout (Required)

Specifies the total timeout, including background IOPS setup and warmup if enabled.

directory (Required)

Specifies the directory where the benchmark will create files.

fileSize (Required)

Specifies the size of the file used in the benchmark. The number of IO operations for the benchmark will be fileSize / operationSizeBytes. This parameter accepts valid Kubernetes resource units, such as Mi.

operationSizeBytes (Required)

Specifies the size of each write operation performed while benchmarking. This parameter does not apply to the background IOPS feature if enabled, since those must be fixed at 4096.

sync (Optional)

Specifies whether to call sync on the file after each write. This does not apply to background IOPS task.

datasync (Optional)

Specifies whether to call datasync on the file after each write. This is skipped if sync is also true. It does not apply to background IOPS task.

enableBackgroundIOPS (Optional)

Enables the background IOPS feature.

backgroundIOPSWarmupSeconds (Optional)

Specifies how long to run the background IOPS read and write workloads prior to starting the benchmarks.

backgroundWriteIOPS (Optional)

Specifies the target write IOPS to run while benchmarking. This is a limit and there is no guarantee it will be reached. This is the total IOPS for all background write jobs.

backgroundWriteIOPS (Optional)

Specifies the target read IOPS to run while benchmarking. This is a limit and there is no guarantee it will be reached. This is the total IOPS for all background read jobs.

backgroundWriteIOPS (Optional)

Specifies the number of threads to use for background write IOPS. This value should be set high enough to reach the target specified in backgroundWriteIOPS. For example, if backgroundWriteIOPS is 100 and write latency is 10ms, then a single job would barely be able to reach 100 IOPS, so this value should be at least 2.

backgroundReadIOPSJobs (Optional)

Specifies the number of threads to use for background read IOPS. This should be set high enough to reach the target specified in backgroundReadIOPS.

Example Collector Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: filesystem-performance
    - filesystemPerformance:
        collectorName: filesystem-latency-two-minute-benchmark
        timeout: 2m
        directory: /var/lib/etcd
        fileSize: 22Mi
        operationSizeBytes: 2300
        datasync: true
        enableBackgroundIOPS: true
        backgroundIOPSWarmupSeconds: 10
        backgroundWriteIOPS: 300
        backgroundWriteIOPSJobs: 6
        backgroundReadIOPS: 50
        backgroundReadIOPSJobs: 1

Included Resources

The results of the filesystemPerformance collector are stored in the host-collectors/filesystemPerformance directory of the support bundle.


If the collectorName field is unset, it will be named filesystemPerformance.json.

Example of the resulting JSON file:


Filesystem Performance Analyzer

The filesystemPerformance analyzer supports multiple outcomes by validating the filesystem latency results. For example:

  • p99 < 10ms: The p99 write latency is less than 10ms.
  • p90 > 20ms: The p90 write latency is greater than 20ms.

Example Analyzer Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: filesystem-performance
    - filesystemPerformance:
        collectorName: filesystem-latency-two-minute-benchmark
        timeout: 2m
        directory: /var/lib/etcd
        fileSize: 22Mi
        operationSizeBytes: 2300
        datasync: true
        enableBackgroundIOPS: true
        backgroundIOPSWarmupSeconds: 10
        backgroundWriteIOPS: 300
        backgroundWriteIOPSJobs: 6
        backgroundReadIOPS: 50
        backgroundReadIOPSJobs: 1
    - filesystemPerformance:
        collectorName: filesystem-latency-two-minute-benchmark
          - pass:
              when: "p99 < 10ms"
              message: "Write latency is ok (p99 target < 10ms)"
          - warn:
              message: "Write latency is high. p99 target >= 10ms)"