
Disk Usage

Collect and analyze information about disk usage on a specified path.

Disk Usage Collector

The diskUsage collector returns the disk usage of a specified directory in bytes.


In addition to the shared collector properties, the diskUsage collector accepts the following parameters:

path (Required)

Path host filesystem to evaluate disk usage.

Example Collector Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: disk-usage
    - diskUsage:
        collectorName: var-lib-kubelet
        path: /var/lib/kubelet

Included Resources

The results of the diskUsage collector are stored in the host-collectors/diskUsage directory of the support bundle.


If the collectorName field is unset, it will be named diskUsage.json.

Example of the resulting JSON file:


Disk Usage Analyzer

The diskUsage analyzer supports multiple outcomes by validating the disk usage of the directory. For example:

  • total < 30Gi: The disk containing the directory has less than 30Gi of total space.
  • used/total > 80%: The disk containing the directory is more than 80% full.
  • available < 10Gi: The disk containing the directory has less than 10Gi of disk space available.

Example Analyzer Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: disk-usage
    - diskUsage:
        collectorName: var-lib-kubelet
        path: /var/lib/kubelet
    - diskUsage:
        checkName: "Ephemeral Disk Usage /var/lib/kubelet"
        collectorName: var-lib-kubelet
          - fail:
              when: "total < 30Gi"
              message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/kubelet has less than 30Gi of total space
          - fail:
              when: "used/total > 80%"
              message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/kubelet is more than 80% full
          - warn:
              when: "used/total > 60%"
              message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/kubelet is more than 60% full
          - warn:
              when: "available < 10Gi"
              message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/kubelet has less than 10Gi of disk space available
          - pass:
              message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/kubelet has at least 30Gi of total space, has at least 10Gi of disk space available, and is less than 60% full
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